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Writer: Charles WatersCharles Waters

Hello all.

I've had a good week filled with children's poetry.

This past Tuesday and Wednesday I performed and did workshops with the students of Windermere Prep in Florida. I did an assembly with Middle School students, then helped them get their own poems "up on its feet" to prepare them for a show called VOICE LIVE! which they perform every year. To witness the progress they made in the space of 24 hours was humbling to watch. I hope to visit this fine school again soon! Thank you MaryBeth Davies and staff for making me feel like royalty.

Being back in Middle School again brought back memories and how delicate a time it can be. I wrote a children's poem about it. It's not autobiographical, but it does touch on the kindness which should grant our fellow humans. Enjoy!


Inundated with textbooks nestled

In the crook of my arm, backpack

Bullied tight with homework, I trudge

Up to 5th period history when my sneaker

Scuffs the tip of a stair ejecting myself into

Humanity. Wall to wall laughter ensues,

Pointed fingers thrusting in my direction.

Face turns to fuchsia as I hide shame by

Avoiding everyone’s eyes when I see

Hands (not my own) picking up my

School sanctioned debris. “You okay?”

“Not really.” “Don’t listen to these clowns.”

“I won’t.” With all my materials in

Working order I walk to class thankful

To the football star for not being a cliché.

(c) Charles Waters 2014 all rights reserved.

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