Greetings and salutations dear readers!
I booked more background and stand-in jobs for 2 television shows and 1 mini-series. While I may or may not be seen on camera, I learn so much about acting and directing on film from watching others, as well as the technical aspects of putting a scene together. Creating “movie magic” takes long hours but it’s well worth it after it’s put together.
Thrilled to be invited to the Spring Poetry Retreat and Workshop, courtesy of the Highlights Foundation, from April 15th – April 19th. This session will be taught by my children’s poetry mentor Rebecca Kai Dotlich. It will also feature special guests Wordsong editor Rebecca Davis, and a SKYPE interview with Poet/Educator/Publisher Janet Wong of Pomelo Books. Thank you Kent Brown and Jo Lloyd for accepting my proposal to attend. There is one particular manuscript of mine that needs work, so I’ll be ready to rock and roll!
I participated in Ed DeCaria’s March Madness 2015. While I got thumped in the voting by the delightful Carol Samuelson-Woodson, I enjoyed myself a great deal. Every year I never get past the 1st Round, however, I always have a new poem courtesy of the event, which is a win for me, and hopefully, for children’s poetry.
I continue participating in Heidi Mordhorst’s poem a day exercise at her blog, My Juicy Little Universe. For the month of March we’re assigned a list of words that end with the letter ch, and we write a poem that includes one of those words .
Went to a reception at St. Joseph’s College in Brooklyn, NY for HOME AGAIN, a new gallery of photographs and paintings. My Rush Philanthropic Arts foundation boss Meridith McNeal curated this showing, which runs until April 25th. Of particular interest to me were the diversified artists, whose viewpoints of the world created a tapestry of commonality. From neighborhood paintings to pictures of a dinner table with food and drink ready to be consumed, the gallery showed humanity at its most basic and beautiful.
I volunteered at the NYC Vegetarian Festival, for the non-for-profit group Evolve for Animals. This organization, in their words, “inspires and empowers individuals to embrace a vegan way of living through education, advocacy, and social action. We aim to achieve our vision of a world that evolves beyond traditions of exploitation in exchange for the liberation of all sentient beings.” I handed out fliers, answered questions about plant based eating and received donations in exchange for Evolve for Animal shirts, as well as the documentary Cowspiracy. I had a wonderful time being around like-minded people, attending seminars, consuming quality food, and learning more about our planet and the animals we share it with. Thank you, Annie Hudson, Neal Sehgal and Anthony Martinez for the invitation.
I attended a showing of the musical CHICAGO at The Professional Performing Arts High School in NYC. Antonio Del Valle, son of Team Waters charter member Lori Centeno, performed in the classic tale of greed, deception and fame. Antonio is a singer, dancer, actor, musician, who’s a tornado of talent. He’s so far ahead of the game than most up and comers. Super proud of him!
Read-a-Poem or R.A.P. My rallying cry to bring children’s poetry to every human being in the world, continues rolling along. Not all books I mention have to be about children’s poetry but that’s the main thrust. I have read:
HAMSTERS, SHELLS AND SPELLING BEES edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins.
POWER FORWARD by Reggie Love.
I’ll end this visit with 2 poems, one from March Madness 2015 #MMPoetry and one from the poem a day sessions at My Juicy Little Universe.
Flowered embryos surge toward freedom,
Tree extensions grow their morning stubble,
Rows of chrysalis unfold into their butterflied soul,
Straw colored swaths guzzle rainfalls nourishment,
Layers of winter’s chill peel away like dappled bananas,
Each metamorphosis … a harbinger of spring.
(c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.
Spiraled missile punches in between my uniform numbers,
It dances around my spaghetti limbs as I try to cradle it
Like a newborn, before slipping out of reach as I cross into
Our end zone, botching the winning touchdown.
Game over.
Shuffling back to our sideline, studying brown divots on the
Once emerald field, I feel an arm around my shoulder,
An opposing player leans in, whispers, “I’ve been
There, man. Happened to me 2 weeks ago. How you
Handle this will speak volumes about who you are
As a person.” Looking up at my teammates, coaches,
Disappointment lines etched on their faces, I take a breath,
Roll my shoulders back, the words, “No excuses,”
Dancing in my mind.
(c) Charles Waters 2015 all rights reserved.